Joseph A. Habis, MD
Dr. Joseph Habis, the Medical Director of Prima Medical Group, is a medical physician specializing in internal medicine and travel medicine in Marin County. He currently practices in Terra Linda, California. He was born in Ecuador and immigrated with his family to San Francisco at the age of four. He pursued his interest in medicine and graduated from U.C. Davis in 1990. While a medical student, Dr. Habis organized several health programs for health-practitioner students and residents in Ecuador and was a founding board member of the organization Child Family Health International in 1992. His awards include both the “Golden Cup” (awarded by his medical school faculty and peers) and “Ciba-Geigy” for outstanding community health leadership. His publications include topics related to cross-cultural medicine and travel and international health. Dr. Habis has shared his expertise in travel medicine as a guest on many television and radio shows. He has traveled extensively throughout the globe and enjoys swimming, photography, and playing music. Dr. Habis lives in Marin with his wife, Semira and two children, Antoine and Yasmin.
- MarinHealth Medical Network
- Internal Medicine
- Travel Medicine
- Spanish
- Top Doctor Marin Magazine 2014
- Top Doctor Marin Magazine 2020