Come Sail Away

MarinHealth Foundation’s Black Tie Gala, Come Sail Away, will be held on Friday, April 11, 2025. We are pleased to acknowledge our event chairs Mike & Sharon Stone as well as our physician champion Natalya Lvoff, MD. This year proceeds will benefit MarinHealth Breast Health through the purchase of four new next-generation tomosynthesis mammography units.

This will make high-quality mammograms even easier and faster — improving the experience for patients and expanding our ability to meet a wide range of needs. Because early detection is the best protection when it comes to breast health, MarinHealth relies on leading-edge tomosynthesis mammography to serve our patients. Anticipating recommended guidelines for replacement, we are raising funds toward the purchase and installation of the new equipment in 2026.

Tomosynthesis is an advanced form of mammography that uses digital x-rays to create thin, detailed images of the breast. By enabling radiologists to see breast tissue in greater detail, the technology helps detect breast cancer early when it is easier to treat. Scrolling through images captured by the machine, radiologists are better able to distinguish between suspicious and normal findings, reducing the number of false positives.

We hope that you will consider joining us! Together with your philanthropic support, we will continue to ensure quality care and outstanding outcomes.

Download a participation form to register as a sponsor. Early sponsors who commit before February 5 will be listed in the invitation and invited to a special Benefactor Reception at a private home in March.

You can make an online gift here.

Event Sponsors


Darice & Jeffrey O'Neill
Jinnie K. Simonsen & John V. Carbone
Mike & Sharon Stone


Bon Air Greenbrae Logo
Heffernan Family Foundation
Hadley Mullin & Dan Kalafatas


Cardiovascular Associates of Marin & SF Logo
Bon Air Greenbrae Logo

Miranda & Justin Chen
Stephanie & Mark Robinson
Michael & Susan Schwartz
Magda Wesslund & Eric Schwartz


Anesthesiology Consultants of Marin LogoBy the Bay Health LogoCalifornia Advanced Imaging Medical Associates Logo
Davis Marin, Inc. LogoGallagher Group LogoHill Physicians Group Logo
KCM Investment Advisors LogoMarin Cancer Care LogoMarin Medical Laboratories Logo
Marin Psychiatric Group LogoMollie Stones Markets LogoMoss Adams LLP Logo
Optum LogoSequoia Living / The Tamalpais LogoSouth Marin Health & Wellness Logo
Violich Farms LogoUCSF Health Logo
Genny & Andrew Biggs
Marie Boylan & Jeffrey Freedman
Jeanne Scuitti Capurro & Family
Scott Clark & Holly Tate
Leland & Kristin Clemons
Jackie & Michael Crown
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dietz
Doug Dossey & Kathrin Dellago
Erin & Alex Earls
Sharon A. Early
Chris & Bob Feibusch
Kara & Josh Fisher
Tiffany & Brandon Gantus
Susan & Dennis Gilardi
Catherine & Rob Hale
Judi & Jeff Kirshbaum
Taylor & Sean Kramer
MarinHealth Urology
MarinHealth Vascular Surgery
Betsy & Ed McDermott
Julie & Ian McGuire
Jamie O'Hara & Cynthia Weldon
Connie & Bob Peirce Family Fund
Tucky & John Pogue
Nancy P. & Richard K. Robbins Family Foundation
A.J. & Melissa Rohde
Pam & Ron Rubin
The Schultz Foundation
Terri Slagle, MD & Al Oppenheim, MD
US Bank
Vituity Emergency Medicine Physicians
Vituity Hospitalist Medicine Physicians
Mark Watrous & Kim Kraemer
Dennis Whipp
Stephanie & Arthur Young

Bora Bora

Bank of Marin LogoJames & Gable Insurance Brokes LogoMarin Gastroenterology Logo
Norcal Ambulance LogoTamalpais Pediatrics LogoThe Key Logo
Vizient LogoWestern Health Advantage Logo
William and Gretchen Kimball Fund
Bruce Braden
Ann Ehmann Crump
James Griffith & Jay Masunaga
Wendy & Jay Huck
Saul & Guido Kay
Nancy & Skip Kniesche
Kwok Internal Medicine, Inc.
Nancy Mattson
David Ogden, MD
Jeannie & Ken Perry
Kiki Pescatello
Stephanie Pugash
Don & Darcy Tarantino Family
Henry Timnick
Barbara Moller Ward


Best, Best & Krieger, LLC LogoCCS Fundraising LogoDavis, Wright & Tremaine LLP Logo
GMH Builders LogoHealth Systems Informatics LogoMain Street Research Logo
Moresco Distributing 2025 logoSkall + Glassman LogoSmith Ranch Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Logo
Pat & Joe Abrams
Kirsten & Todd Brockman
Sally Buehler
Jim & Alison Carbone
Carey Hagglund Condy
Stone Coxhead
Robin Eber
Caroline & Richard Grey
Mitchell & Amy Grunat Charitable Foundation
Francine Halberg & Terry Kessler
Katy B. Jaffe, MD, MPH
Heather Kay
Debbie Matthies
Sarah & Tom Poser
Bruce & Karin Reeves
Tom & Holly Strobel
Greg & Wendy Wolkom
Don & Susan Young

Media Sponsor

Marin Magazine Logo

Wine Sponsor

Mollie Stones Logo

Stand-by Ambulance

Norcal Ambulance Logo