Massage Therapy

Marin County Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage and nurturing bodywork is an effective way to relax and connect to the body and spirit. As the tension leaves the body, the active mind is quieted and a sense of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being has an opportunity to develop.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

  • Relieve physical discomfort
  • Lessen stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Increase sensory, emotional, and spiritual awareness
  • Promote the body’s natural healing process

Touch goes beyond the body to our heart, mind, and spirit. If you are dealing with stress, wishing to participate more actively in your own healing, or simply looking to relax, massage therapy can add a much-needed chance to reconnect to your own sense of well-being.

How Much Does Massage Therapy Cost?

Payment is due at the time of your service. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-415-925-7620.

Meet Our Massage Therapists

Portrait of Jordanna GlueckaufJordanna Glueckauf, MPH, CMT, first immersed herself in the study of massage therapy during her three years of residence at the Esalen Institute. She had the privilege of studying under several master practitioners who sparked her lifelong love affair with the simple yet profound benefits of hands-on healing. She went on to pursue advanced training in medical massage at UCSF’s Osher Center for Integrative medicine to support individuals with cancer, complex neurological issues, and other pathologies. She draws on her over 3000 hours of continuing education and 9 years of hands-on experience to create a customized session to unwind patterns of tension and pain, and to promote a deep state of relaxation. Her intention is to bring her full and open-hearted presence to every session.

Portrait of Sylvia GoodmanSylvia Goodman, MS, CMT, began her retirement career with an Esalen Institute massage program and earned her massage certification in 1997 from the National Holistic Institute, in Emeryville, CA. As part of her certification process, Sylvia completed an internship at MarinHealth Medical Center. She earned her Process Acupressure Practitioner certification from Soul Lightening International and is certified as a teacher and practitioner of SEVA stress release. She believes that touch, coming from a loving heart, has the power to heal and transform lives.

Portrait of Kate PhelanKate Phelan, CMT, CMLDT, draws from 25 years of training and experience to create personalized sessions that are therapeutic, nurturing, and restorative. She is specially trained in cancer, neurological issues, orthopedics, and maternity. She provides safe and effective outcomes utilizing techniques ranging from deep tissue to cranial sacral. As a certified Manual Lymph Drainage therapist, patients and health conscious clients seek her skills for post treatment support and general wellness. She combines technical skill as well as “holding presence” that releases tension, fosters deep relaxation, and promotes healing.

Portrait of Jacqueline TabbJacqueline Tabb, CMT, first experienced the positive impact of massage therapy as an adolescent after being diagnosed with scoliosis. This led her on a personal, professional journey training in Swedish Massage Therapy while studying Studio Art at UC Santa Cruz, and later, in Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy at The World School of Massage, San Francisco. She individualizes each massage therapy session by combining her training in Eastern and Western modalities with her strong intuition and calm presence.