Aneurysm Repair with AI-Based Cydar Maps

Aneurysm Repair with AI-Based Cydar Maps

The MarinHealth vascular surgical team is one of the few nationwide to perform an aortic aneurysm repair utilizing AI-equipped Cydar Maps, a surgical platform that enables surgeons and clinicians to create a detailed 3D map personalized to each patient’s unique anatomy for pre-surgical planning, real-time image guidance during surgery, and automated post-operative evaluation of surgical outcomes.

Cydar Maps not only enhances the surgeon's visualization but also empowers surgeons to navigate complex vascular procedures with greater precision, resulting in better patient outcomes.

On September 9, CBS News Bay Area shared another successful patient experience at MarinHealth Medical Center utilizing this technology. Watch the segment, featuring Dr. Allan M. Conway, below:

(View the original article and video, here)